Monday, May 08, 2006

The Boys are Back

Thanks to Jacquie’s comment on my previous post, I can think of nothing else…

Once upon a time, in a land far away, there was an Australian music scene comprised of artists who never had, nor ever would, be in Neighbours. Gruff tough pubs throughout Australia, were jam packed – long before capacity laws ruined everyone’s fun by insisting that every punter needed room to breathe – with people who wouldn’t hesitate to throw things if they didn’t like the music even if they were sober which they weren’t, and this “rock finishing school” produced some seminal late 70s and early 80s bands such as AC/DC, Midnight Oil and Cold Chisel. Much more importantly though, this scene was the birthplace of the greatest funk rock band to come out from Down Under (for proof see the link below to a video of Switched On’s Taste It ;) ) – and in my humble opinion – the greatest live band of all time: INXS.

In addition to their obvious knicker-ruining allure, what has always grabbed me about INXS is the raw edge of their music: the driving funk vibe that is edgier (with the exception of most of Kick) than the slick mass-zeitgeist-appeal of U2 or Coldplay yet still accessible enough to dance to. The energy and at times searing honesty of Don’t Change, Suicide Blonde, By My Side, Not Enough Time or Elegantly Wasted (to name just a few of my favourite songs) proves what a Virgin DJ (sorry had just flicked over and didn’t catch the name of the show!) commented recently after playing New Sensation, that there is “only one INXS.” It was a fitting metaphor that I once heard Garry Beers use in an interview, while talking about the reality show, he mentioned that they were effectively pulling their pants down as a band for the world. Now I realize that it is tempting to allow your mind to stray in a rather different direction at the thought of a trouserless INXS, but stay with me because it also very aptly describes their music and style of live performance. Intoxicating collisions of seductive arrogance and vulnerability, of punk and funk, of hard rock riffs and gently poetic lyrics feature heavily on every album, in every performance, that strike me as a direct result of their baptism by fire (or on some occasions rotten vegetables) roots. Andrew Farriss said in an interview with Guitar Player magazine in January 2006: “The school we came out of was.. pretty rough audiences in Australia’s pubs, and we learned pretty quickly to get on stage, play well, and keep people’s attention. It was entertain or die!”

I realize that plenty of fans were utterly aghast at the news that they were going down the cheesiest route imaginable and using an American reality show to chose a lead singer to replace the irreplaceable Michael Hutchence. I didn’t have an issue with the idea of the band collaborating with a new singer: to me, INXS have always had such a strong instrumental identity that while I wouldn’t dream of under estimating the unquestionable influence of one of the greatest voices, lyricists and charismatic presences in rock, I never felt that their sound boiled down to the vocals. I happily admit, however, to being one of those who reeled in horror at the thought of some Idol-esque travesty and swore never to watch. Naturally within weeks I had to eat my words and by the end of the summer was completely obsessed and screamed and toasted with a cocktail or eight when they made the brilliant decision to name not a replacement, but a worthy successor, in J.D. Fortune.
I could go on forever about the brilliance of this band - and in fact have spent most of the morning editing this post to less than a novel. My most recent concert experience is posted here: - but, as they say, the proof is in the pudding. The newly recomplete INXS will play their first UK concert in 4 years at the Shepherds Bush Empire on October 12th (yes I do believe that they deliberately chose my birthday week ;) ) There aren’t many tickets left but I do highly recommend grabbing the last couple – I’ll see you there.

For tickets:

For previews: